Poetry of the Email Subject Line: Clinton 2016

Micah Sifry
1 min readFeb 11, 2016

This can’t wait

Are you in this with her, Micah

Micah, I can do this if you’re with me

You and me, Micah

The polls are all over the place

this can’t wait, Micah

We’re running out of time, Micah

I need you by my side, Micah

Time’s running out

Micah — so grateful for you

Why I’m emailing you today

We could make history together tomorrow

Before Iowa, make sure my mom knows

Hello, Micah

If you were waiting, now’s the time

Hillary needs you

If you’re not with me, Micah

Micah, can my mom count on you to help her win?

are you by my side, Micah?

outraged and outspent

my mom is down in the polls

“What are we going to do?”

No matter what happens tonight

I’m not kidding, Micah

right now, Micah

I’m counting on you Micah

No intention of losing

— Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton (January-February, 2016)

[all taken from the subject lines of emails I’ve received from HillaryClinton.com in the past month]

